Leadership/The President´s Blog/Has the Apostolic Movement left the Convictions about the Church?

Has the Apostolic Movement left the Convictions about the Church?

Jan-Aage Torp
February 25, 2015

Has the apostolic movement itself left the strategic convictions about the Church being the key vehicle for the Great Commission? With Jan-Aage on VIDEO about George Verwer´s response to Lawrence Khong.

Has the Apostolic Movement left the Convictions about the Church?George VerwerIn 1997 I attended the GCOWEII meeting (Global Consultation on World Evangelization) in Pretoria, South Africa when George Verwer (founder of Operation Mobilization) begged tearfully the forgiveness of apostolic church leaders for his own disregard of the Church. He pledged that OM would change its strategies and communication.

Has the apostolic movement itself, however, left the strategic convictions about the Church being the key vehicle for the Great Commission, while pursuing more of a “Kingdom” (meaning “non-Church”) approach?

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